My Spiritual search began around the time of my first Saturn Return – in my late 20s. I was a radical feminist, following my heart’s passion to bring about equality and working as an advocate, counsellor and group facilitator for a ‘battered women’s shelter in the Yukon Territory, Canada.
I was introduced to Vicki Nobel’s Motherpeace Tarot by a sister in the women’s movement. A small group of us began meeting in Circle, doing ritual, chanting, and celebrating the Goddess. Having never been able to accept the patriarchal idea of a Father God, I had until now identified as an atheist.
Then I met and embraced the Goddess! In her image, we gathered in an octagonal cabin in the bush, where we would occasionally be lucky enough to call in Aurora! One day a white cat arrived, insistent he be in the centre of the circle. Years later I would learn that he was my ‘familiar’ in my Shamanic Work.
In 1992 I was hired to coordinate the annual Women’s Retreat at beautiful Lake Labarge. The focus of the weekend was Womens’ Spirituality. One of the workshops I decided to attend was in Basic Shamanism. After a brief description, the drum began and I was transported into a dream-like space.
I found myself face-to-face with my power animal, who might have been scary but wasn’t. Different Reality. Bear led me to the base of a big tree where I snuggled into the roots and was covered over by my power animal. I felt so comforted and safe and welcomed HOME. I knew I had found my path.
The next year I began to study shamanism with my teacher and became a part of a small group that journeyed together weekly, with the odd Wild Women Weekend where we camped in the Yukon wilderness, drummed, danced, and did ceremony on Mother Earth.
It wasn’t long before my life began to shift and change, bringing an increase in personal integrity, self expression and creativity. I was becoming more ME – more confident in the guidance I was tapping into and trusting the direction I was traveling. I was becoming rooted – grounded – empowered.
I began to allow spirit to guide my life. I slowed down, left a long-term relationship and a government job, and began to work for myself. I joined the local theatre company and began to sing professionally – a childhood dream that was put aside in order to “become a responsible adult”. I added a lot of play and fun to my life, which included single-parenting two teenagers. And I journeyed.
I soon birthed “Tree of Life Shamanic Practice” and began serving my community with shamanic journeys, soul retrieval, spiritual guidance and workshops.
In 2022, I am re-birthing my shamanic offerings with “Shamanism For A New Earth – Wise Women Getting To Our Roots”. It’s my first online introductory workshop to shamanic practice and the shamanic journey.
Copyright Cate Innish.
All Right Reserved 2022.